Thursday, June 15, 2006

success and fears

Hi, everybody. Matt Morris-president and CEO of success University mailed this to me. I found it quite interesting and challenging, so, I decided to share it with you all.
''Some people chose to let their fears get in the way of their success. They chose to take the easy road, instead of challenging themselves to "get in the game" .
Here's my advice...
Whether... asking your boss for a raise, starting your own business, or anything else you might be fearful of, remember this - you'll never be able to let go of your fear unless you Just Do It. (Thanks Nike)
Here's one of the most important lessons I've learned in my road to success...
Not stepping out of your comfort zone is the #1 obstacle that will get in the way of your success!
The only secret to my success, if there really are any secrets, is that I have constantly pushed myself to get OUT of my comfort zone.
Here's the rule:
Successful people do what unsuccessful people are unwilling to do.
Once you begin getting out of your comfort zone, something very interesting happens...
It starts getting easier and easier to do things that you normally would be completely terrified of. For me, one of my biggest fears in life was public speaking. Once I got in front of an audience and broke through my initial fear, it became easier the 2nd time... then easier the 3rd time... then easier the 4th... etc...
Once the mind expands, it never goes back to its original form!''

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Saturday, May 13, 2006

Poverty; a state of the mind

Poverty is a state of your mind. Suceess has nothing to do with your background, education, where you were born, or who your parents are. Several studies have shown that all successful people have something in common, and that is their thinking pattern, their belief, and their mindset. Your belief and mindset dictate and control your attitude and your commitment to any endeavour. For you to succeed, you must have a mindset of success. Change your thinking pattern.

Friday, May 12, 2006

Mlm is all about people

Mlm is all about people. You get paid for taking care of people. Major on selling the products in mlm and you will fail big time. But, major on the people and you will succeed more than your widest dreams. Work at being the best at relating with people. And, remember! your smile is worth a million dollars.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Why some don't succeed...

The reason why some people don't succeed in mlm is lack of training. Training is essential in network markerting. You are not likely to succeed in nwm unless you are taught how to do the business in a proper and professional way. It is for this reason that it becomes absolutely essential that you make yourself available for training. If you are not trainable, your chances of succeeding in this business becomes very limited. Also, the 3-step formula for success: that is
*Find a system that will work for you in that endeavour
*Apply the system immediately
*And be persistent in applying the system until you succeed
will help you alot in this business. It works friends! Just make sure you are trainable.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Do you actually want to be a millionaire?

The mlm industry is one incredible industry that has created more millionaires than any other industry on the planet. It's becoming increasingly difficult for the corporate business world at large to ignore this industry. But, how can anyone at all ignore this industry? This is one industry that can get you to your dreams, dreams you possibly had given up on because you saw no way possible to achieve them.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Is anybody out there?

Hello, is anybody out there that would like to share with us how he or she made his or her millions? It's gonna be great! Thanks.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Everybody struggles

Some people refer to the mlm system as the survival of the fittest. They feel that it's a world of struggle. Well, I'll like to tell you that everybody struggles. The poor, the rich, the orphans, the sick...everybody struggles. They long for something better. Even the baby in the womb struggles. But, the good thing about the mlm system is that it librates you financially. It gives you all the time you need. It is stress free. Don't be afraid. Why don't you just try. Remember, all struggles.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006


Did you know that your health is your wealth? Experts found out that personal wealth does not improve your psychological health. A friend once told me about a man that wanted to buy a food supplement of about a hundred dollars. This man's friend told him that he was wasting his money, but the man's reply was if I could buy a car of about a million dollars how much more this food supplement that would help the body that's going to drive the car. So, take good care of your health and your health will take care of you.Do all you need to do to stay healthy.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Man made money...

Isn't it funny? Man made money, money made man mad. Don't let your money control you , you be in charge. Have a nice day.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

...think like a millionaire

Some of us chose to be different. We refused to take 'No ' for an answer. Have you ever seen a poor man that's happy being poor? NO. He struggles everyday to make ends meet because he longs to be rich. He wish he could be rich. You see, to be a millionaire , think like a millionaire. Ha, ha, ha, I'm laughing. Who said you can't make it.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Something to keep in mind

Derek Gehl mailed this to me. I think you need to have a share of it. The Internet is but a media, or, actually, a media toolbox. But it is no more than that. It is not a panacea, not an end-all, be-all for the entrepreneur seeking real, solid financial independence. To establish real wealth, there's more than one piece in the puzzle box! There are three big secrets to the success that I believe a lot of people miss or learn only slowly, expensively, and late. * SECRET #1: Diversity Equals Stability. Conversely, relying on any one thing excessively equals vulnerability. The worst number in business is: one. One product, one service, one media, one key employee, one key client If more than 10% to 20% of your income is dependent on any one thing, you're a Titanic en route to an iceberg. The smartest pencils in the box think: multiple. Multiple sources of income. Multiple means of acquiring customers. Multi-media This is not always welcome advice, especially by people temporarily making lots of money easily and cheaply, from one cheap media like the Internet. But I've been marketer and entrepreneur for more than 30 years. I've seen lots of change, sudden upheaval, and lots of financial wipe-outs by relying on 'one.' I've also seen people grow and sustain giant incomes by 'multiple,' not 'one.' That's why I so strongly urge a broad understanding and application of direct marketing, using multiple media. If you restrict either your education or your implementation to any one media, you're making a huge mistake. * SECRET #2: Income vs. Equity. Most marketers think only in terms of Present Income, not in terms of locked-in Future Income or Equity. But income equals income, here today, gone tomorrow. You need to develop a business that provides both. * SECRET #3: Sequential vs. Simultaneous. Most people try to achieve whatever success they seek sequentially. First, get an education. Next, a job. Next, a business. Next, make a good income. Next, save. Next, invest. Etc. Entrepreneurs who get wealthy live simultaneously, not sequentially. This is both a different mindset and use of a different set of practical skills. Observe, for example, Donald Trump, who I was on a seminar program with last year. Trump didn't get a hit TV show, then next in order, do a book, then next in order, aggressively leverage his brand beyond real estate, then next in order, start and complete one real estate project before beginning another, then next start speaking for $250,000.00 and up per speech, then next launch a magazine. He put things into motion simultaneously. And if you give yourself the excuses of "he was already successful" or "easy for him –- he has lots of resources," you miss the point. Success is all about resourcefulness, not waiting until you have resources. You attract resources by being resourceful. You attract more faster by massive, simultaneous action than timid, slow, sequential action.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Affiliate Markerting

Affiliate markerting has made blog sites interesting.Don't you think it's easier and stress free to be in your office and at the same time shop from there without leaving your office? You know what? Blog sites made that possible. But remember,the quality of your writeup matters.Many people want to read good,quality and sensible writeup, Not to see the ads. So, fellow bloggers you can subscribe to as many affiliate marketing as possible.It is just making life a little easier.Here are some affiliate markerting you can subscribe to
Superaffiliate Handbook
Affiliate marketing.sitesell
Affiliateblogs 5star affiliate program


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Thursday, March 02, 2006

You can be a millionaire

Having examined the mlm industry, I wonder why everybody is not into it. It's moral, it's ethical, there's minimal startup cost. The earnings are substantial. It's stress free, even more, there's considerable time freedom. But, alot of people are afraid. They focus too much on the negative. Have you ever thought of the positive? Have you ever thought of yourself making a difference?
I'll like to share with you this illustration from Jim Rohn.
"strangely enough, with two different people in the same company, one may earn an extra $100 a month, and the other may earn a$1000. What could possibly be the difference? If the products were the same, if the training was the same, if they both had the same literature, the same tools. If they both had the same teacher, the same compensation plan, if they both attend the same meeting...The difference is inside you. The magic is not the products. The magic is in believing, in daring, in trying, in accepting. The real magic is in working, in thinking. There's magic in a smile, in excitement and determination. There's real magic in compassion, caring and sharing, and all that comes from inside. So, the difference is inside YOU. The real difference is YOU"

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Monday, February 13, 2006

Gold's fall prompts selling

Gold prices fell to a three-week low in London and New York after the dollar strengthened against currencies such as the euro, diminishing the metal's appeal to some investors as a hedge against declines in the U.S. currency

via Bloomberg

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Seven myths about making money from a blog site

* Money making from blog is easy
*Blog building is fast
*It requires little work
*Search engine prefers blog posts to other web pages
*It is a shortcut to website traffic
*You don`t need to be able to write
*Quality matters


Money matters

Money is a subject of great interest to most people, and most people want to get more of it.The lawless ones among us see robbery,embezzlement and other forms of stealing as their way to it.Other enrich themselves by using the post they occupy in companies or government departments to collect bribes or kickbacks for the awards of contracts. Those without any financial wit whatever will merely save any money they acquire by keeping it in the proverbial box under the bed or hole in the ground, in which case, clearly, it earns no interest, but most people with funds to spare will think of some kinds of investment, acting on the sound principle that one sum of money can be made to grow into a larger sum.

Monday, January 23, 2006

welcome to rubywise

Hi, it's Ruby! Welcome to my blog